I haven't done this for a while. Every now and then I think about writing a blog post and start something but then never get around to finishing it and then I loose my inspiration and then I don't feel like writing a post about what I started writing about and then I just kind of leave it alone for a little while longer.
One thing that has been a common theme in all the blog posts that I have been trying to write is the importance of living a life of service to God. By that I mean that our WHOLE life is one focussed on praising and honouring God. We have to have God in the centre of our life all the time; at work, when we relax, when we go out with out friends, in our hobbies, when we are with our family.... . We don't just worship God when we go to Church and our weekly bible study, or when we do our personal Bible study . While that is all an important part of our lives we have to serve him in EVERYTHING that we do.