
I have a dream. A dream that one day the world will be different. Different in the way that people think of each other. Different in the way that people think of them selves. That one day people will step out of their little boxes and reach out to those around them. 

This dream cant be fulfilled by just me sitting there and doing nothing. I have to do something. That is why I have started this blog. At first I saw it as a great way to vent my frustrations out against the world but now it is a place where I can share my thoughts with others and show to them what it means to me to be a Christian. And what it means to live your whole life to the honour and glory of God so that you "let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify God in them." 

So often I am involved in discussion with other Christians and we are discussing how we can be shining lights in the world around us. The conclusion that is always reached is that we have to show this 'by our walk of life'. This is true. BUT, as Christians we have to ensure that our walk of life is different from those around us, we have to ensure that we are bright lights, shining before others, so that they too can glorify God. Not only do I want to make sure that my light is shining bright to those who need to see, but I also want to inspire others to make sure that their light is shining brightly.

I want to be an inspiration to others. And I hold on to the hope that somehow I am.