In my personal study last night before going to bed, I was challenged to think of 30 ways to hallow the name of God. I've decided to write that list on here to and would like to challenge you to do the same either by following my list or writing a list of your own.
- Have a positive attitude towards uni work and assignments >> a positive attitude towards this show that you are glorifying God in what you are doing. This might be hard to do at times but think of your task here on earth, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31)
- Wake up each morning with joy, ready to face the day >> if you're anything like me this one will be hard, but if we wake with energy and excitement for the day ahead we are one step closer to hallowing God's name throughout the day. Jump out of bed with joy!
- Think about the way you spend your 'free' time >> Don't waste time!! Think of something constructive to do!!!
- By acknowledging that everything you have has been given to you from God >> God has given you everything!! The time we have, the money we have, the friends we have, our talents, EVERYTHING we have has been given to you from the hand of God. Remember that.
- Work hard >> do the best that you can by putting all your effort into what you are doing.
- Take every opportunity you can to learn more about God >> spend time reading the Bible everyday. Not just because it's what you're supposed to do but because you want to learn more about God.
- Pray constantly >> speak to God every chance you can. You have LOTS of chances and if you take advantage of them then you are glorifying God by showing what an important role he plays in your life.
- Consciously be thankful for the wonderful gift Christ has given us by his death >> stop and reflect on how wonderfully great this gift is. We are alive only by Christ!!!! How can we not be thankful for this. When we are consciously thankful for what we have been given we bring forth fruits of thankfulness which are ultimately glorifying God.
- Think about the movies and/or TV shows you watch >> how do they glorify God? What are they saying about God? Think about this rater than just watching them.
- Use your gifts to help others >> God has given you so much. Share what you have with others who don't have it. If you have the gift of music share it with someone who doesn't or would really appreciate it. You have the gift of time, spend it with someone who really needs the company. You have the gift of money, give it to someone who needs it. You have the gift of knowledge, share it with someone and support their own learning... ...
- Love your neighbour >> show love to everyone!
- Make the most of every opportunity you have to tell others about God >> see your interactions with others as opportunities to tell others about God.
- Be actively involved in Church life >> don't be content to just go to Church each sunday. Attend Bible study, organise events or fundraisers,
- Be inspired by others >> read biographies and autobiographies about people who spent their life glorifying God.
- Listen to Christian music >> fill your iPod with music that glorifies God so that the songs that are stuck in your head are bringing honour to his name.
- Soak up the glory of God in nature >> go on bush walks or other adventures and soak up the scenery. Take awe in the majesty of God behind what you see
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in your life >> it can be easy to underestimate the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Pray for him to work in your life so that you can do everything to the honour and glory of God.
- Be open about your faith and share the struggles that you have >> have someone who you can talk to and who can support you in glorifying God in everything that you do. Speak to them about some of the struggles that you have with your faith - be open.
- Show your faith by your works >> James 2:18. Remember that you show others that you are a Christian by what you do.
- Show the fruits of the spirit >> love, joy, peace, patience, kindness ... ...
- Confess your sins >> don't just pray for forgiveness of sins but pray for forgiveness for each of the sins you have done. By focussing on the individual sins you become more aware of the wonderful gift of forgiveness that you have been given and then you are even more thankful.
- Rejoice always >> we have so many things to rejoice in. Think about them and meditate on them.
- Praise God >> as my pastor said in his sermon on sunday morning: "Joy reaches it's highest when you praise God."
- Pray for others >> be aware of the needs of others both within your church congregation and in the wider community and pray for those people. Pray for your friends and family, even pray for those whom you don't have a good relationship with. In praying for them you become more aware of their needs and also you are more aware of them in your interactions with them.
- Be thankful >> think of everything that you have and be filled with thankfulness for it.
- Interact with people who also want to glorify God >> spend time with friends and family who have the same purpose in life, they will help you to glorify God in what you do
- Acknowledge that every situation we are in is from the hand of God >> God brings all the circumstances that we are in, be it health or sickness, poverty or riches... ... Glorify Him in whatever circumstances you find yourself.
- Glorify God in the language you use >> speak positive words to everyone. Share the love of God in your words.
- Have purpose behind everything you do >> do everything for a reason. If you are going to do something think about the purpose behind it.
- Ask yourself how you are glorifying God in what you are doing >> reflect on what you are doing, don't just do it without thinking.
I hope that others will find these words as inspiring as I did when I wrote them down. It's a big challenge to keep!