Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:6,7)
It is so easy for us to worry, to be anxious and stress over what is happening in our lives. We worry about our relationships with friends, family and significant others; we stress over our studies and career or part time work, food, fitness, health, money, getting enough sleep, food, finding time to do everything, being happy, other people, and lots more things. The biggest thing that I worry about right now is finding a job. Our lives are full of stress and worry. We become anxious because we feel as if our life isn't working right and it all is going wrong.
But, we shouldn't worry. Paul tells us here in Phil 4 to
be anxious for nothing. Nothing. Instead of worrying we should pray and lift our problems to God. In one of the books I am reading right now (
A Praying Life, by Paul E. Miller), the author writes about how our worries should turn into prayers to God. Instead of worrying about our job we should instead lift it up to God in prayer. We should let all our worries and fears
be made known to God.
By lifting our anxieties up to God we acknowledge that he is greater than our problems and we give them over to Him. We cant do anything with our problems but God can. He holds us in His hands and takes care of our worries and supplications. When we do that and when we rest in that knowledge we can stop worrying.
The peace of God will guard our hearts and minds and we learn to trust in someone much greater than us.