Several weeks ago I was reading a blog post from someone somewhere (unfortunately I cannot remember as to provide a link) and they were speaking of a friend of theirs who posted a photo onto Facebook each day of the year of what she was thankful for.

This gave me an idea. So often I too am not thankful for what I have. I grumble, am not content, and always what something better while I am really not in any situation to do any of that. I am so richly blessed. So now, using Instagram (which one of my friends has been strongly encouraging me to get for a very long time now), I am challenging myself to stop, think and then take a picture of something that I am grateful for.
To think about something that God has given me and to remind myself that I have no reason to complain at all.
I just googled '365 grateful' and came up with a lot of links to blogs and such but I still think it is a really great idea. It makes us all stop and think of what we have, what we are grateful for and how great and awesome our God really is.