This challenge involves:
- Making my bed every morning and picking the clothes off the floor. This way I can begin a new habit of being clean.
- Exercising for at least 30mins each day.
- Not eating any junk food. No take away, no chips, no lollies and the hardest part of all, NO CHOCOLATE.
- Reading my devotional book everyday.
- Finishing the book Total Truth by Nancey Pearcy - I have 10 more chapters left, therefore I have to read at least 1/3 a chapter each day.
- A random act of kindness. I doesn't matter what this is and who it is for but it has to be an act of kindness in reaching out for someone else.
I have 30 days to complete this challenge. If for some reason I fail to keep any of the above requirements the challenge will begin all over again and I will be required to conduct another 30 days. I will hold myself accountalbe by updating my accomplishments on this blog every night in order to see if I have been sucessful or if I am required to begin all over again.
This challenge begins on the 11th of January and will (hopefully) finish on the 10th of Febuary.
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