Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Everyone has a Gift

As a family we have wonderful dinner time table discussions which often make the meal last 3 times longer. Tonight we were discussing people with special needs and dinner time went on about 1/2 an hour after we had finished our food (that way it didn't actually get cold). It was a really great discussion - and much more interesting than my counselling assignment that I should be doing right now - so I wanted to share it.

Even though people are different and they communicate differently, it does not mean that they are stupid. Some people with special needs may not be able to say much, but in the little they say they can communicate effectively. They are capable of not only communcating their needs and wants, but also initiating conversation, responding to those that give them the time of day, giving their opinion, and even humour. This may not be verbal and we should remember that even though someone isn't capable of expressing themselves in the same way as most people, they are still worth communcating with. They are still normal people so we don't need to patronise them with 'baby talk', they still understand a lot of what is being said so we shouldn't act as if they are not in the same room as us, and they have the same need to communicate in the way everyone does as a human being and we should not deprive them of this need in any such way.

Something that also came out in our conversation is that EVERYONE has a gift. Even if they are mentally challenged, they have something to share with the world. I know a girl who has difficulty learning and her cognition is not the same as children her age, but she has an amazing love for any animal which breathes. As well as that she has an amazing musical ear and can play pieces on the piano/organ after hearing them without seeing any music. Everyone is good at something and even if they need more help in some areas and they need more support - at whatever level. Some of them may have the gift of love, and are able to love everyone and express that love to others. Others have the gift of joy, they are able to express joy in the most simple things of life which makes other people appreciate everything so much more. The gift of others may be creativity in art, stitchery or music. Some have the amazing gift of laughter, a gift which can make all of those around laugh also. And possibly the greatest gift of all is the gift of life, and in all these people you can see how they love life and it makes you also realise what a great gift it is that God has given us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey camille, what a great way to put it, just to add a personal touch to it, i remember one day when i was quite unwell with a really sore throat, i got to work and saw what i was actually dealing with. for the first time since i started working i really realised how much these people have to deal with. i couldn't talk for 3 days but they can't talk - EVER - i couldn't laugh, and found it very difficult for me to communicate what i wanted to. it really brought it home for me that these people that i work with can't do much and yet there is not a day where i do not see them sad, they are alway s happy, always ready with a smile and as you were saying they have absolutly no trouble communicating what they want and need. that day i came home thinking exactly what you have written that they are here for a purpose and that day i truly believed it was to humble us, and to give us a reason to be joyful.

    i am really passionate about dealing with people with disabilities and treating them a real human beings and i even find it in my work place people treating them as peices of meat and it makes me boil... so i am really glad what you written and that some one thinks the same as me :)
