Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Let the rain fall down...

On Sunday the 15th of May, I sent out a call for those living in the Southern part of Western Australia to pray for rain. And those prayers have indeed been answered. Throughout the months of May, June, July and August the rain has continued to fall, nourishing the land. The grass has started to grow, the crops have recieved sustancance, the dams are filling up, inland the wildflowers are beginning to bloom, and to add a personal note our rainwater tank is full! (Now don't ask me how much rain we have had so far this year - I tried to look on but found it EXREEMELY hard to navigate and discover the infomation I was searching for.)

What I'm trying to say is that we have truely been blessed with so much rain this year. For a change everythign is wet. The ground is satisfied (If the fact that everytime it rains a bit more the ground become extremely slushy is any indication).Becuase of this blessing we should turn to God and thank him for so wonderously giving to us.

The songs that I have posted below all have something to do with rain. (Which is why I have posted them). What each song is saying is that rain is more than just water. There is something powerful and magical about it. And sometimes it feels as if I can also feel that magic :)


  1. I also love the rain. And I also think we can be very thankful for the rain God's provided this year, especially in comparison to last year.
    Check out for rainfall info... There's comparisons between 2010 and 2011, and you even get a graph! Bonus! ;)

  2. aaahhhh... i LOVE That josh groban song..... but what happened to hillary duff??? :)
