Monday, April 23, 2012

I will show you my faith by my works - James 2:18

As Christians we bear the name of Christ. In bearing his name we have the responsibility to reflect christ in everything that we do. In what we are doing we are giving others an impression of who Christ is and how he has impacted our lives.

We can very well say that we believe that Christ has saved us and that it is such a wonderful gift that we have received,  but then if we don't live a life filled with the passion of thanking Christ for the wonderful gift he has given us what is that saying to others about the gift of salvation. Our workmates, uni buddies, tafe friends, neighbours all know that we are Christian. What we do and how we do if gives them an impression of us as a Christian, Christianity as a whole, and ultimately, Christ.

As James writes in his letter, "I will show you my faith by my works" (2:18). As the saying goes: Actions speak louder than words. We are called to be a shining light in this world so that 'by our works we may win others for Christ.' It isn't by our words that we shine out into the world. It is by our actions. Our actions are what show others that Christ is in us. They show others that he has changed our lives, that we have been converted. By our actions we show to others how Christ's love has impacted our lives in the joy and love that we show to others.

In reflecting Christ in our actions it is not just WHAT we do but also HOW we do it. Our actions should be done out of joy and thankfulness because of the love of Christ.

How are you showing to those around you that you are a Christian? What do your actions say about Christ?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


At the moment I am trying to convince myself that I have work to do and that I should really get my assignment finished and out of the way so that I can do a lot of other, more productive things. But the thing is it is not due for another 3 weeks and I have the next 2 weeks off prac so that gives me LOTs of time to write it. To make matters worse it is a real pain of an assignment. Seriously, I have to go through each of the 'competencies' I am assessed on at my placements and write how I have demonstrated competency in each of these competencies for the areas of: Language, Speech, Swallowing, Voice and Fluency for both Adults and Children. Believe me when I say that it is horrible assignment.

For that reason I spend lots of time doing all sorts of other things. Some of that I can think of are:

  • Watch all sorts of unnecessary videos on youtube, and then look at the related videos and watch some more.
  • Making myself cups of tea, and drinking it too (of course)
  • Spend time on Facebook looking at photos and talking to others.
  • Looking at links people post (or like) on Facebook and then looking at other links
  • Finalising a photo book as a present for a friend
  • Making more tea
  • Reading other peoples extremely waffly blog posts about car problems 
  • Listening to music
  • Sleeping in
  • Fiddling around with what ever
  • Eating food
  • Making tea
  • forgetting that I was making tea and then going back to making it again.
  • Writing emails
  • Drinking tea
  • Talking. I do a lot of that actually, just talking. About anything that I can think of. We almost anything. And then when I start talking I don't normally stop in a hurry.
  • Looking at SLR cameras online
  • Buying more music and listening to it
  • Many more things that I can't think of right now 
  • And (as you can probably see) writing my own blog post.

Really, if you think about it I would probably be the queen of procrastination, or maybe at least one of the princesses. The problem is I know that I can do so many more exciting and wonderful things such as painting, drawing (although I left my sketch pad at work), playing my guitar, filling out my application for volunteering next year, planning my trip after volunteering next year, soaking up some of God's wonderful creation by going for a bush walk and lots of other things. I plan to do all of these after finishing my assignment. Only I have to stop procrastinating first.

We are called to live a life of glory and honour to God. "Whether you eat or drink, do it all to the glory of God." (I Cor 10:31). If I spend time procrastinating and avoiding my assignment I am guilty of not honouring God in what I'm doing. There are some days packed full of lots of different things, days where I am busy doing all different things, all things that have a purpose and in that purpose I am glorifying God. 

Now to get back to that assignment...... ... 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Crayon Box That Talked

I came across this poem in some of the church papers I was reading today. I though it was a beautiful description of the command that we have to love one another.

The Crayon Box That Talked

While walking into a toy store the day before today

I overheard a crayon box with many things to say

"I don't like Red!" said Yellow and Green said "Nor do I"

"And no one here likes Orange but no one knows just why"

"We are a box of crayons that doesn't get along

Said Blue to all the others "Something here is wrong"

Well, I bought that box of crayons and took it home with me

And laid out all the colors so the crayons all could see

They watched me as I colored with Red and Blue and Green

And Black and White and Orange and every color in between

They watched as Green became the grass and Blue became the sky

The Yellow sun was shining bright on White clouds drifting by

Colors changing as they touched becoming something new

They watched me as I colored - they watched me till I was through

And when I finally finished I began to walk away

And as I did the crayon box had something more to say

"I do like Red!" said Yellow and Green said, "so do I"

And Blue you were terrific! So high up in the sky

"We are a box of crayons each one of us unique

But when we get together the picture is more complete"

By Shane deRolf 

All the crayons play a part in creating the picture, and in the same way, all of God's children play a part in his congregation. Everyone has a role to play and a gift to share. So next time you don't appreciate someone or don't like them, think again, they have an important role to play too.