We can very well say that we believe that Christ has saved us and that it is such a wonderful gift that we have received, but then if we don't live a life filled with the passion of thanking Christ for the wonderful gift he has given us what is that saying to others about the gift of salvation. Our workmates, uni buddies, tafe friends, neighbours all know that we are Christian. What we do and how we do if gives them an impression of us as a Christian, Christianity as a whole, and ultimately, Christ.
As James writes in his letter, "I will show you my faith by my works" (2:18). As the saying goes: Actions speak louder than words. We are called to be a shining light in this world so that 'by our works we may win others for Christ.' It isn't by our words that we shine out into the world. It is by our actions. Our actions are what show others that Christ is in us. They show others that he has changed our lives, that we have been converted. By our actions we show to others how Christ's love has impacted our lives in the joy and love that we show to others.
In reflecting Christ in our actions it is not just WHAT we do but also HOW we do it. Our actions should be done out of joy and thankfulness because of the love of Christ.
How are you showing to those around you that you are a Christian? What do your actions say about Christ?