Every Sunday we go to Church two times. We are able to do this in freedom, without being afraid that we will be 'discovered' and stopped from holding more services. In countries around the world, Christians serve God in fear of their lives. In some places they meet in small groups in peoples homes, changing their location regularly so that they don't get discovered. They go to the meetings afraid that someone might discover the real reason that they are getting together. And if they are discovered, the people involved are imprisoned and sometimes even put to death.
It is a wonderful blessing to live in a country in which this doesn't happen, a country in which we can live without fearing for our lives because we serve a God whom the government doesn't respect or believe in. So often we are used to the freedom which we have because we do not know what it is like to live without it. In that way it is very easy for us to take if for granted. Please don't. Please also think and pray for those who don't have the freedom we have.
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