Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 19: The blessing of prosperity

My computer is dying. So last night I went to the apple store online and bought another one. Just like that. I looked at the options I had, found out that I could have a student discount, filled in my details and it is now in transit, to be delivered tomorrow.

Isn't it such a blessing that we have the wealth and prosperity that we are able to do these things. I was able to get a new computer because I had more than enough money in my bank account, it was in stock, and it can be delivered by tomorrow. We can get so much in the society we live in. There may be those around us, or some people reading this who do struggle to pay the rent, who do have to scrape together the money to pay their bills, who do have a very tight budget due to their mortgage. But think about how much we have compared to so many others in this world. We have three meals a day, often with snacks in between. So many people don't know how they are going to get their next meal. They don't know what they are going to eat. Many of them are lucky to get one bowl of rice each day. We have clean clothes on our back and  shoes on our feet. Many of them have threadbare, clothing which doesn't keep them warm, and if they have shoes they are not the right size and completely worn down. We have a roof over our heads and a warm bed to sleep in each night. Many others do not. Many of us have a car, many households have 2 or 3 (sometimes even more). For many people in the world their means of transportation is walking.

Next time you complain about your clothes, shoes, food, house, car, bed, or computer. Think about what you have and what many others do not have.

We are blessed.

If you want to procrastinate productively and also 'advance' your knowledge, check out freerice.com and help feed the hungry.

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