Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 30: the greatest gift of all

So here I am. Starting to write the last post of this 30 day challenge. I must say, this challenge has really opened my eyes to the riches I have in my life. I am truly blessed and by thinking of 30 blessings I have come to realised how easy it is to take for granted and how much I should be thanking God for.

So, Day 30: the greatest gift of all. The love of God. I have been planning this post in my head for some time now. All the other blessings that I have talked about fall under this blessing. All we have is a result of the love of God. As John Piper says:

"We simply take life and breath and health and friends and everything for granted. We think it is our by right. But the fact is it is not ours by right. We are doubly undeserving of it.
1) We are CREATURES, and our Creator is not bound or obligated to give us anything - not life or health or anything. He gives, he takes, and he does us no injustice (Job 1:21).
2) And besides being creatures with no claim on our Creator, we are SINNERS. We have fallen short of his glory (Romans 3:23). We have ignorer him and disobeyed him and failed to love him and trust him. The wrath of his justice is kindled against us. All we deserve from him is judgement (Romans 3:19). Therefore every breath we take, every time our heart beats, every day that the sun rises, every moment we see with our eyes or hear with our ears or speak with our mouths or walk with our legs is, for now, a free and undeserved gift to sinners who deserve only judgement."   ---- John Piper, Don't waste your life, p. 51-52

We have received so much because of the love of God. And the most important part of that love is that He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. For my many, many sins. For all of your sins. In that alone, we are more blessed than anyone else in this world. We did nothing, absolutely nothing at all, yet we have been chosen to be called children of God. We have been chosen by God to be saved from the eternal damnation we deserve. All the sins we have committed have been forgotten, in God's eyes they are no more.

We don't deserve anything, yet because of the love of God we have everything. Never forget that. Let your heart rejoice and overflow with thankfulness because we don't deserve anything we have, yet God has given it to us.

Continue to live a life of thankfulness to God.


  1. Thanks for sharing these 30 days Camille... You say that it has opened your eyes to the riches in life... well at the same time, through sharing your thoughts and blessings, you helped me open mine. So thanks. And indeed praise to God for His grace and forgiveness!

  2. Thanks for highlighting the many riches we have in our lives - both big and small. With our focus on God and His saving work we can count each day "a blessing and a joy".
