Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 13: The gift of warmth

It's cold outside. Even though it is September and there is evidence all around us that spring has sprung (you can smell it in the air, the flowers are in full bloom. flies are flying in squares...) the last few days have been rather cold and rainy. It's wonderful when outside the rain is pelting down and the temperature is dropping (not that dramatically but it still is going to be cold tonight) and you can curl up in front of a wood fire with a nice drink and a book.

So many people in the world do not have the luxury of staying warm and dry during the wet winter months. Some may not have the money to keep the gas connected to run their heater, or they want to save money so that is one of their first cut. Others may not even have a roof over their heads, let alone a heater or a nice thick blanket to keep them warm. Tonight, when you snuggle under your covers, think about those who aren't as warm and dry as you, pray for them, and be thankful for the warmth and protection that you have. For it is indeed a wonderful blessing, which we don't deserve.

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