Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 14: the gift in a normal day

I have to laugh at the irony of that title. A normal day. Well to be honest I don't know if I ever have a normal day. The life of a uni student doesn't really have that much routine or normality in it. Some days I wake up at the break of dawn in order to get to uni on time, other days I sleep in and then stay home all day doing whatever as I have the day off and other days I work, which is usually a sleep shift. Yep, I don't really have much routine or normality in my life. Because on top of that I have a tendency to forget things, loose other things, and just make things go wrong. For example, on a road trip I pack a thermos but when we get to opening it is jammed shut because I didn't think of the fact that the warm air will cool and create a suction, so  instead we spent 15mins or more, trying to open the thermos.
Nevertheless, there is still something about the normality of a day in which everything goes according to plan.

For those that do have some more routine in their lives than me, a normal day will consist of waking up, driving (or travelling in some other way) to work, working for the hours that you do work, coming home, having some dinner and then doing some thing relaxing like watching TV afterwards. Well that's my guess anyway. That doesn't sound to exciting or amazing. But look at it from the other perspective and it is a blessing. Nothing bad happened. There were no car accidents driving to or from work. No one was fired or laid off at work. Dinner tasted good. The power didn't go out. There were no unexpected delays with flay tyres or cars that didn't start. Nothing was forgotten in the rush to get out of the house early in the morning. There was no sudden illness or unlikely deaths in the family. So much can go wrong and yet everything happened to plan. That is such a blessing.

For me, today was like that.  I even made a dinner which tasted amazing and nothing went wrong (being somebody who seems to make LOTS of mistakes with things like that, that is really amazing). When so much can happen in a day to make it turn from good (or average) to bad it really is a blessing when none of that happens.

I am so blessed.

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