Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 4: The blessing of Being a Church Kid

Today is Sunday. For my whole life Sundays have been a different day from the rest of the week. Every Sunday, for as long as I can remember our whole family has gone to Church. Twice. (Unless of course somebody is sick, we are somewhere on holidays or for some other unexplained reason). To put it simply, I'm a church kid. I grew up going to church each week, the same way my parents and even grandparents grew up.
I was taught the Bible from a very young age and then by the time I was in High School, I went to Bible Study, or youth group, each week, had catechism classes up until the age where I made a 'public profession' of my faith, went to a Christian school for the all of my schooling life where each day began with devotional Bible reading and prayer.

As a church kid, I don't have any amazing conversion experience which I can share with everyone, I don't have a particular point of time in my life where I can say that, that is where I decided to live my life for God. BUT, I do have a wonderful knowledge of the Bible which comes from the instruction I have received throughout my life. I do have parents and grandparents with an even deeper knowledge of the Bible, just because they have been studying it longer than me.

Looking at this, I realise how often I am not thankful for what I have been given as a Church kid. So often I take for granted that I have learnt so much about the Bible. So often I take for granted that for 7 years I had catechism instruction every Tuesday/Wednesday night and that I still have the opportunity to meet with other like-minded youth to discuss the wonders found in the Bible. So often I take for granted that I have parents and grandparents that have so much wisdom and knowledge about the Bible and that they have been imparting this wisdom to me my whole life.

In being a 'Church Kid' there is SO much that we can be thankful for.

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