Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 6: the blessing in a hobby

Today I was reunited with my paints, easel and canvas. It was a wonderful reunion and I spent the whole day immersed  in a world of creativity and paint. I had a day 'off' from my usual business of study, work, planning for the upcoming youth congress our church is hosting and all the other little things that I seem to be doing and absorbed myself in my painting. I love painting, well I love anything creative really, but painting is one hobby that I can loose myself in and forget about everything else.

Not the picture I painted today - but one of my paintings which now graces the walls of Dad's office.

Do you have a hobby? Hobbies are a wonderful gift which we can use to escape from all the other requirements of our life. Dictionary.com defines a hobby as an "activity or interest pursued for pleasure and relaxation and not as a main occupation." I also feel that a hobby is more than that. We are called to honour God in everything that we do, and that includes our hobbies. Especially because hobbies also are blessings from God. The fact that we have the time and resources to pursue a hobby is a blessing from God.

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